What is the Average Number of Homes Sold by Realtors in Bucks County, PA Annually?

Are you looking for the latest real estate market data for Bucks County, Pennsylvania? Long & Foster Market Minute provides up-to-date information on average sales prices, inventory levels, market days, and more. According to ATTOM data, there are 34 foreclosure properties and 3 REO properties (owned by a real estate bank) in Bucks County. In the past 12 months, a total of 8,488 residential properties have been sold in the area. Experts suggest that the median provides a more accurate view of what is happening in a market than the average list price of all houses or units listed for sale over a period of time.

With Long & Foster's real estate data, you can get detailed information about Bucks County, Pennsylvania from the country's leading real estate data provider. The average number of homes sold by realtors in Bucks County, PA each year is 8,488. This figure is based on ATTOM data and includes both foreclosure and REO properties. The median sales price for homes in Bucks County is $310,000. This figure is based on Long & Foster's real estate data and provides a more accurate view of what is happening in the local market than the average list price of all houses or units listed for sale over a period of time. The number of homes sold in Bucks County each year has been steadily increasing since 2017. In 2017, there were 7,945 homes sold in the area. This number increased to 8,092 in 2018 and 8,488 in 2019. This trend indicates that the local real estate market is healthy and growing. Bucks County is an attractive area for homebuyers due to its proximity to Philadelphia and its many amenities.

The area offers a variety of housing options from single-family homes to townhomes and condos. The local economy is strong and there are plenty of job opportunities in the area. With its low cost of living and high quality of life, Bucks County is an ideal place to call home.